Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Last of the Mothers Day Cards

Before I began my Day 3 homework, I had to finish the Mothers Day cards I had started. Jacqueline De Groot is my favorite blogger and a while back I pinned a wonderful card of hers on Pinterest. I emailed her and asked the source of her photo since it reminded me so much of my sister when she was a child. Jacqueline was kind enough to track it down for me, and I was able to use it on the Mothers Day card I made for my sister.

I love using vintage photos on cards and found one that looked like one of my sister's daughters (I've never found any that look like me though lol), so I decided to make her a card this year using it. Her favorite color was purple when she was little so that's what I used. I also used some fabric and lace flowers I'd recently made.

My sister's other daughter has a set of 15-year-old triplets. Not to leave her out of the vintage MD, I found an old photo of triplets - two boys and a girl just like she has! I don't think vintage is her style, but I hated to break up this year's theme!

The dictionary definition in the upper left is for 'triplet'.


  1. Your Mother's Day cards are a work of art!!! I love the vintage photos and soft colors.

  2. These arew so vintage and pretty!!
